‘Bout a handsome little fox, 這是關於一隻俊俏小狐狸
Let me sing you folks a yarn 讓我為大家唱出牠的傳奇
Hey diddle-dee, daddle-da, doddle-do, doodle-dum, 嘿,牠多善變,愛呼悠,特厲害,最難猜
‘Twas a splendid little fella 確是一隻了不起的小天才
Full of wit and grace and charm 充滿機智舉止瀟灑又和氣
Say zippy-zee, zappy-za, yappy-yo, google-gum 瞧,牠成天喜孜孜,樂嘻嘻,笑瞇瞇,巧算計
Well, like any little critter needin’ 在這以食為天的動物世界裡
Vittles for his little-uns 牠也要扛起全家大小的生計
‘Well, he stole and he cheated 這麼說吧,牠偷東西,牠施詭計
And he lied just to survive 為了生活牠不得不詐欺
With a doodle-dum, diddle-di, duddle, doodle-dum 憑著牠那最難猜,多善變,蠱惑迷惑的能耐
‘Doodle-dum, diddle-di, diddle doodle-dum 最難猜,多善變,蠱惑迷惑的能耐
With a zippy-zo, zippy-zay, zippy-zappy-zoopy-zee 還有那喜孜孜,樂嘻嘻,笑瞇瞇,悠哉悠哉的風采
‘Zippy-zo, zippy-zay, zippy-zappy, zoopy-zee 喜孜孜,樂嘻嘻,笑瞇瞇,悠哉悠哉的風采
Ohhh doo-dah, doo-dah, day!! 噢!有個滑稽突梯的一天
Let me take a little tick now 讓我花上些許時間
To color in the scene 給你們述說一遍
‘Cross the valley lived three yokels 有三位鄉愿就住在山谷另一邊
Name of Boggis, Bunce and Bean 名字叫作不濟士,笨斯和逗子
‘Now these three crazy jackies 這回異想天開的仨漢子
Had our hero on the run 要把我們的英雄抓起來
Shot the tail off the cuss 卻屢射不中,罵個不停
With a fox-shooting gun 獵狐槍彼落此起
But that stylish little fox 偏是這矯捷的小狐狸
Was as clever as a whip
Dug as quick as a gopher
That was hyper-aca-tive 有過之無不及
‘Now those three farmers sit 此刻三位農夫
Twhere there’s a hole ’twas once a hill 枯坐山中不知從哪而來的窟窿底
Singing diddle-dee, daddle-da, doddle-do, doodle-dum 哀唱著牠多善變,愛呼悠,特厲害,最難猜
And as far as I can reckon 據我估計
They’re a-sitting up there still 他們還坐困窟窿裡
Singing zippy-zee, zappy-za, yoppy-yo–“ 哀號著至刁鑽,藏機關,天下最皮–